Sunday, March 11, 2012

[PHOTO] 111029 U-Kiss Official Fan Cafe New Banner

Credits: Kissme4Ukiss + U-Kiss Official Fan Cafe

[PHOTO] 120308 Alexander In YEZZ Magazine

Credits: Kissme4Ukiss + Soya Beanz@FB

[PHOTOS] 120307 U-Kiss Panels at Tower Records Namba, Osaka

[PHOTOS] 120305 U-Kiss x ZOFF - Behind the Scenes

[NEWS] 120304 U-KISS’s Japanese Album Event Attracts 2000 Fans

U-KISS once again proved their popularity in Japan as 2000 fans attended their recent album release event.
According to Japan’s music site, Oricon Style, the event was held at Dome Garden Stage on February 29th in honor of their recently released single, “Forbidden Love“.

Even though it was rainy, the event still attracted around 2000 fans. U-KISS had a signing event and a mini live performance.

The members expressed their love for their Japanese fans by stating, “We want to meet our fans through a Japan tour. We will work hard to show off a good image of U-KISS.

In regards to their new album, they stated “We’d like to get a great sense of achievement as we put a lot of effort and thought into this album. Thank you for loving U-KISS’s songs.

Credits: Kissme4Ukiss + OSEN + @allkpop

[PHOTOS] 120303 Alexander Haneda Airport (back to seoul)

Credits: Kissme4Ukiss + Xanderist_JP

[TWITTER] 120310 Dongho's Update

신칸센에서 내가 찍은거예요ㅋㅋ 키스미사랑해요잘자요ㅎㅎ 新幹線で撮りました^^ KISSME JAPAN 愛してる^^ KISSME China 我愛大家!! 

Credits: Kissme4Ukiss + @Dongho94

[TWITTER] 120309 U-Kiss Korea's Official Update

멍~(・・?) 때리는 에이제이.


내일 오사카콘서트를 위해 이제부터 오사카로~오사카키스미 여러분 내일 만나요~^^

Credits: Kissme4Ukiss + @ukisskorea

[TWITTER] 120309 Kevin's Update

Good Affernoon! Smile and have a blessed day!^^ 오늘도 웃으면서 화이팅~こんにちは! 今日も たくさん 笑って 素敵な 1日を 過ごしてください!

Credits: Kissme4Ukiss + @Kevinwoo91

[TWITTER] 120308 Kiseop's Update

슈퍼~~맨~~~~~~!!! 아 귀여워>_< 사진 고마워요^^ 힘나요^^히히히히히 

Credits: Kissme4Ukiss + @KISSeop91

[TWITTER] 120308 U-Kiss Korea's Official Update

키스미~저녁 맛있게 먹었어요?ㅎㅎ

[TWITTER] 120308 Soohyun's Update

막내랑 오랜만에 셀카~~~ ㅎㅎ 지금은 유키스 인터뷰 중! ㅎㅎ